I get asked for advice. A lot. When I say my inbox is open, it really is. I try and help as much as I can. I love this industry. I don’t know why they ask me, maybe because I’m transparent and don’t kiss bums, and probably because I’ve made every mistake in the book too!
But anyway… this time of year I’m asked for advice far more than any other time. Social media is quiet, clients bookings are slower; it’s just all a bit FLAT isn’t it? And I get techs in my inbox FREAKING OUT. I get it. It’s because ‘NEW YEAR NEW ME’ is rammed down our throats 50 times a day from shockingly dull paid ads on Facebook and similar.
New Year, New Me? Yeah, Right! Come on industry pro’s, let’s have a word.
Aah, January. That magical time of year when every influencer, business coach, money mentor and motivational meme tries to convince us that if we’re not “leveling up” by February, we’ve failed at life and our businesses. ‘New year, new me!’ they yell, as if we’re meant to wake up on January 1st with a brand new business model, a perfect Instagram aesthetic, and the energy of someone who hasn’t spent the past month mainlining Quality Street and pretending calories don’t count during the festive season.
Well, here’s the thing: it’s bs. Totally utter dog poop.
Let’s be honest, the ‘new year, new me’ ideas are exhausting. Yes, a new year can mean fresh starts and setting goals, but do we really need to overhaul our entire existence because the calendar’s flipped over? Are we, as nail techs and beauty pros, really meant to bin our perfectly good gel polish, retrain in every new technique, AND revamp our studios all by Valentine’s Day? Absolutely not.
In fact, the whole idea of needing to be a new you is utter nonsense. What was wrong with the old you, anyway? The one who spent December smashing out Christmas nails like a glitter-covered superhero, got their clients sorted for their New Year’s Eve do’s, and is now clutching a cup of tea in one hand and a questionable leftover mince pie in the other, thinking, ‘Oh Shit, here we go again.’
Let’s just have a breather, shall we?
First off, you don’t need to upgrade your entire kit every January. Sure, that shiny new e-file on sale or full collection of gel polishes to totally rebrand your setup looks tempting, but are they really going to turn you into a nail ninja overnight? Not likely. Half of the time, it’s a faff just learning how to use new stuff! And don’t get me started on those business ‘gurus’ telling you to drop five grand on some online course that promises to turn you into a six-figure boss babe in six weeks. Let’s get real. If they had all the answers, they wouldn’t be trying to flog you their piss-poor PDFs on Instagram at 3am, would they?
And then there’s the whole, “l’I must perfect my Instagram’ thing. Another trap. It’s January. No one cares if your grid isn’t perfectly colour-coordinated, or if you missed a post last Tuesday because you were recovering from Christmas chaos. The world will not implode because you’ve taken a few weeks to get back into the swing of things. I mean, most of us are still mentally in 2024 anyway – it’s practically an achievement just remembering to write 2025 on client appointment cards.
Here’s a crazy futuristic thought: what if New Year, Same Me is perfectly fine? What if the you who has been building up a client base, delivering gorgeous nails, and knowing exactly how to make someone feel like a million quid is already doing a bang-up job? Because that’s the truth. You’re enough as you are, right now, with or without a January upgrade.
Of course, if you want to try new things or set a few goals, go for it. But let’s do it on our terms, not because the internet is screaming at us to ‘boss up’ or ‘hustle harder.’ Remember, you survived the Christmas rush. Also remember, small waves are still waves. You’ve earned the right to sip that gin (or tea, no judgment) and ignore the pressure to transform into a world class beauty pro with superpowers by next week.
So, to all my fellow industry real life superstars: here’s to a calm, measured, and realistic January. Let’s gently ease ourselves back into work, laugh in the face of ‘new year, new me’ nonsense, and focus on just being our fabulous, slightly tired, but ever-talented selves.
Cheers to us - and may we continue to nail it, in our own time.